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13. Blockquote !

Vaãn coøn moät tag HTML ñôn giaûn khaùc ñeå saép xeáp laïi vaên baûn cuûa baïn:
Tag <blockquote> hoûi caùc tag <p> vaø <br> "Chuùng ta laøm gì ñaây?". Caùc tag naøy traû lôøi "Khoâng roõ laém, nhöng anh raát khaùc bieät so vôùi chuùng toâi!"

Muïc ñích

Sau baøi hoïc naøy baïn coù khaû naêng:

Baøi hoïc

Löu yù: Neáu baïn chöa coù taøi lieäu töø nhöõng baøi hoïc tröôùc, haõy download ngay baây giôø.

Theo caùch vieát truyeàn thoáng, moät ñoaïn trích daãn cuûa ba hoaëc nhieàu caâu ñöôïc laøm noåi baät so vôùi ñoaïn vaên baûn chính baèng caùch trình baøy nhö moät khoái vaên baûn ñöôïc thuït vaøo beân trong (indented block of text). HTML cuõng coù khaû naêng naøy baèng caùch söû duïng tag <blockquote>....</<blockquote>:

"This is a long quotation from a very famous person. Since it is
so long and interesting, it should really be set off from the
rest of the text. This indicates clearly that the quote is from
someone other than the writer."
Ñöôïc nhìn thaáy nhö sau :

"This is a long quotation from a very famous person. Since it is so long and interesting, it should really be set off from the rest of the text. This indicates clearly that the quote is from someone other than the writer."

Baây giôø chuùng ta seõ aùp duïng taát caû nhöõng gì cuûa HTML chuùng ta ñaõ hoïc tröôùc ñaây vaøo beân trong tag <blockquote>, chaúng haïn nhö trong ví duï sau ñaây:

<H2>A Manifesto</H2>
This is a <B>long</B> quotation from a 
<A HREF="">
very famous person</A>. 
Since it is so long and interesting, it should really be
<pre>     set off</pre>
from the rest of the text.
<I>This indicates</I>:
<li>clearly that 
<li>the quote is from 
<li>someone other than the writer.
cho keát quaû nhö sau:

A Manifesto

This is a long quotation from a very famous person. Since it is so long and interesting, it should really be
    set off
from the rest of the text.

This indicates:

Chuùng ta haõy theâm moät ñoaïn trích daãn vaøo trang Volcano Web. Chuùng ta seõ söû duïng blockquote trong phaàn cuûa nhaø töï nhieân hoïc ngöôøi La maõ Pliny, ngöôøi ñaõ chöùng kieán söï hoaït ñoäng laïi cuûa nuùi löûa Vesuvius vaøo naêm 79 sau coâng nguyeân.

  1. Môû taäp tin HTML index.htm trong trình soaïn thaûo.
  2. Beân döôùi ñeà muïc <h1>Volcano Web</h1>, theâm nhöõng doøng sau :
      "Nature raves savagely, threatening the lands"
      -- <A HREF="">
      Pliny the Elder</A>, who died of asphyxiation after 
      observing the destruction of Pompeii by the
      79 A.D. eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
    Chuù yù: haõy xem caùch chuùng ta söû duïng keát hôïp caû in ñaäm vaø in nghieâng (xem baøi 5) ñeå laøm saùng leân ñoaïn trích daãn. Caùch ñeå sang doøng môùi vôùi tag <br> (xem baøi 4). Chuùng ta cuõng taïo sieâu lieân keát cho "Pliny the Elder" ñeán moät web site khaùc coù nhieàu thoâng tin hôn veà Pliny vaø caùc quan saùt cuûa oâng ta.

    Cuõng neân chuù yù caùch tag <blockquote> theâm daáu ngaét ñoaïn tröôùc vaø sau khoái vaên baûn.

    Vaø cuoái cuøng, Caùc CHUÙ YÙ (gioáng nhö baïn ñang xem) maø chuùng toâi ñaõ söû duïng trong caùc baøi ñeàu duøng ñeán tag <blockquote>!

  3. Löu tröõ vaø Reload taäp tin HTML.

Kieåm tra laïi coâng vieäc cuûa baïn

So saùnh trang cuûa baïn vôùi ví duï maãu. Neáu taøi lieäu cuûa baïn troâng khaùc vôùi maãu, haõy xem laïi vaên baûn baïn ñaõ nhaäp trong trình soaïn thaûo.

Xem laïi

Xem laïi nhöõng vaán ñeà sau :
  1. Tag <blockquote> duøng ñeå laøm gì?
  2. Taïi sao khoâng caàn tag <p> tröôùc moät blockquote?

Thöïc taäp töï do

Haõy taïo kinh nghieäm vôùi vieäc söû duïng tag <blockquote> trong trang Web cuûa baïn. Ñöøng coù nghó raèng tag naøy chæ söû duïng cho vieäc trích daãn. Noù coù theå khaù hieäu quaû ñeå laøm cho söï trình baøy trang web cuûa baïn theâm ña daïng. Tag <blockquote> laø moät trong caùc caùch ñeå laøm cho nhieàu trang web khoâng phaûi laø nhöõng ñoaïn vaên daøi doøng voâ vò.

Moät vaøi taùc giaû söû duïng hai (hoaëc nhieàu hôn) tag <blockquote> loàng vaøo nhau ñeå taïo ra hieäu öùng chöøa leà. Ví duï nhö:

    <BLOCKQUOTE>"Oh, for more tags," he lamented.
      <p>Replied she, "Remember, dear, that while HTML may
      be limited in terms of control 
      over page layout, there is a great 
      deal of potential in creatively use 
      of the number of tags."

Ñöôïc hieån thò nhö sau:

"Oh, for more tags," he lamented.

Replied she, "Remember, dear, that while HTML may be limited in terms of control over page layout, there is a great deal of potential in creatively use of the number of tags."

Ñeán phaàn tieáp theo....

Phaân chia moät trang Web ñôn thaønh "caùc ñoaïn" lieân keát vôùi nhau ....
ÑEÁN.... | Muïc Luïc | Baøi tröôùc: "Danh thieáp Ñòa chæ vaø Lieân keát E-Mail" | Baøi keá: "Goäp laïi hay Phaân maûnh" |

Soaïn thaûo HTML Baøi 13: Blockquote
©1995, 1996 Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (MCLI)
Maricopa County Community College District, Arizona

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